Sketchbook Archive | 04.22.11

I used to carry a sketchbook with me everywhere.  I did this for four years from 2002-2006. In an effort to rekindle my ‘sketchbooking spirit’ I’m sharing excerpts from those sketchbooks here, every Friday.

I spent the summer of 2005 studying in Scandinavia.  It was beautiful and perfect.  I briefly contemplated marrying a Dane so that I could continue to live in Copenhagen.  Alas, it was not to be and at the end of the summer I came home to Ohio.  I took a few small jaunts to other countries while I was over there.  It appears that on July 29th I flew to Vienna for the weekend with some beautiful ladies.  We wandered around the city staring at buildings that looked like they had been dipped in frosting and drawing, drawing, drawing.  This page is from that weekend.

July 2005


It’s a pretty typical page from my Europe sketchbook, a building, some vignettes.  What I really like about this page are these:

Those are building profiles.  Shading out the details really allows the ornate profiles to come through. Interesting.  You should try it.  How about now?

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